- Nygaard Notes # 299, June 23, 2005: Pledge Drive 1: This Drive’s GOAL is 13 More Pledgers; Pledge Drive 2: How to Make a Pledge of Support to Nygaard Notes; Pledge Drive 3: Memory, Context, and Perspective: The Role of the Public Intellectual; Gender, Race, and Damsels in Distress
- Nygaard Notes # 298, June14, 2005: Chile's Privatized Social Security: “You Have Done So, So Well."; Galveston, Texas: A Model for the Country?; The British Pension System: A Warning to the U.S.
- Nygaard Notes # 297, May 31, 2005: “You can't write him off.” Aid and Extortion in Venezuela; Colombia: “Not a War Against Drugs”
- Nygaard Notes # 296, May 18, 2005: Social Security Crisis III: The Baby Boomers Are Retiring!; Baby Boomers, Workers, and Babies; Social Security Crisis IV: Trillions of Dollars of Unfunded Liabilities!
- Nygaard Notes # 295, May 11, 2005: Social Security Crisis I: It’s Going Bankrupt!; Social Security Crisis II: There is No Trust Fund!
- Nygaard Notes # 294, April 28, 2005: Social Security “Quote” of the Week; What IS Social Security?; The Nine Guiding Principles of Social Security
- Nygaard Notes # 293, April 22, 2005: Crisis? I’ll Show You a Crisis!; Legal or Illegal? Who Says?
- Nygaard Notes # 292, April 6, 2005: Defining My Terms: “IC” and “SC”; What Is “Morality Politics”?; Fantasy Versus Reality in Review; Succeeding in Failure: Part IV in the “Fantasy Versus Reality” Series; Fantasy Versus Reality: A Social and Cooperative Alternative
- Nygaard Notes # 291, March 24, 2005: 10 Attacks. Or 25 Attacks. Or 40, 50, 100 Attacks. Or Whatever; Reporting Lies I: Stenography Versus Journalism; Reporting Lies II: What’s a Journalist To Do?
- Nygaard Notes # 290, March 16, 2005: Budget News and Budget Non-News; Haiti in the News: The Power of an Editor; “Progress” and “Problems” With the Imperial Occupation
- Nygaard Notes # 289, February 18, 2005: Nygaard Notes Publication Schedule Change: No Longer A Weekly; Social Security: The Fundamental Issue
- Nygaard Notes # 288,
February 4, 2005: The "Burden" of Taxes: Framing In the Media; Reversing
Our Thinking - Learning Empathy; Individual Versus Social: About My
- Nygaard Notes # 287, January 28,
2005: Boot Camps for Teens: Another Failed Approach - Part III in
the "Fantasy Versus Reality" Series; Educate Yourself About Boot Camps;
Educate Yourself About Drug Education
- Nygaard Notes # 286, January 21,
2005: Teen Drug Education: "Just Say Know" Part II in the "Fantasy
Versus Reality" Series; Drug Education: What Doesn't Work, and What
Does; DARE Doesn't Work, Says DARE
- Nygaard Notes # 285, January 14,
2005: Sex Education: Fantasy Versus Reality OR, The Absolutists Versus
the Rest of Us; Sex Ed: What Doesn't Work, and What Does; Lying To
Kids Does Not Work; Educate Yourself About Sex Education
- Nygaard Notes # 284, January 7,
2005: About the "Quote" of the Week 2. Best of Nygaard Notes "Quotes"
of the Week 2004
- Nygaard Notes # 283, December 31,
2004: Nygaard Notes Year in Review 2004; Nygaard Notes Media Literacy
Lessons 2004
- Nygaard Notes # 282, December 24,
2004: Mind-Reading and Propaganda: The Amazing Powers of Journalists
- Nygaard Notes # 281, December 17,
2004: Religion and Power: The White House, CBS, and Bigotry; Who Says?
A "Public-Relations Victory" in the "Liberal Media"
- Nygaard Notes # 280, December 10,
2004: Quiet! Media Sleeping; Connecting Companies to Consumers "On
An Emotional Level"
- Nygaard Notes # 279, November 26,
2004: Minnesota: The “High Achiever” and the “Earnings Gap”; A Radical
Faith (Part 4 – the final part – of the “How Not To Get Depressed”
- Nygaard Notes # 278, November 19,
2004: About the Election, and About Supporting Nygaard Notes; The
Power of Action (Part 3 in the who-knows-how-many part “How Not To
Get Depressed” Series)
- Nygaard Notes # 277, November 12,
2004: Think Globally, Act Locally: Support Nygaard Notes; Nygaard
Notes: Not Just a Newsletter; Fallujah: A Media Case Study
- Nygaard Notes # 276, November 5,
2004: Why a Two-Part Pledge Drive?; What Is This “Pledge Drive”?;
NYGAARD NOTES CAPITAL FUND DRIVE! Help the Notes to Buy a New Computer
System; How Much To Donate?
- Nygaard Notes # 275, October 29,
2004: Election Day Tips; Resources for Election Day (And Beyond!);
Big, Small, and Uncorrected Errors; Correction #1: “You Know, Native
Americans”; Correction #2: Contradicting Myself in the Same Paragraph!
- Nygaard Notes # 274, October 22,
2004: Voting? Almost Half of Us Don’t Bother; Seven Steps to Better
- Nygaard Notes # 273, October 15,
2004: Patterns of Reporting: “Not Pockets of Resistance”; What the
Candidates Aren’t Debating; Why Are Some Things Not Debated?
- Nygaard Notes # 272, October 8,
2004: Nygaard In the Community: Panel on the Debates; Debating the
Future: “Scare The Hell Out Of Them”; Where Are The Front Page Stories?
- Nygaard Notes # 271, October 1,
2004: Four Hopeful Actions Coming Up; Who Produces the News in the
Local Papers?; The Reuters Story That Wasnt
- Nygaard Notes # 270, September
24, 2004: The Orwell Factor: Naming a Prison; International Election
Monitors In the U.S.; National Health Care: People Support It, Candidates
Don’t; Social Security E-Mail Propaganda, 2004 Version
- Nygaard Notes # 269, September
17, 2004: What It Is: Naming A Lie; The “Very Good News” That “Will
Come As a Shock”
- Nygaard Notes # 268, September
10, 2004: Good Economic News: Front Page. Bad Economic News: Huh?
OR It’s the Economy, Editor!; Thinking Dialectically (Part 2 in the
who-knows-how-many part “How Not To Get Depressed” Series)
- Nygaard Notes # 267, September
3, 2004: The Media’s PET; Census Report “Upbeat?”
- Nygaard Notes # 266, August 27,
2004: Website of the Week: DISINFOPEDIA; Thinking “Systems” (Part
1 in the who-knows-how-many part “How Not To Get Depressed” Series)
- Nygaard Notes # 265, July 30, 2004:
The Moralistic Ideology of U.S. AIDS Policy;“A Fairy Tale Approach
to Marriage”; The Bush AIDS Policy and the Media: The Big Failure;
Bush Unilateralism and AIDS; AIDS and Extortion; AIDS Resources for
- Nygaard Notes # 264, July 23, 2004:
The International AIDS Conference 2004: Crucial Context; The AIDS
Conference in the News
- Nygaard Notes # 263, July 16, 2004:
Website of the Week; Profits Up, Taxes Down: Declining Corporate Taxes;
Many Agree: “The First Amendment Goes Too Far”; Running the Numbers
on “The Education President”; “The State of The News Media 2004”
- Nygaard Notes # 262, July 9, 2004:
Public Infrastructure; Follow-Up and Action Idea; Quotation Marks
in the Mainstream Press
- Nygaard Notes # 261, July 2, 2004:
“A Valuable Educational Tool”; Grading the U.S. Infrastructure: “A
Discouraging D+ Overall”
- Nygaard Notes # 260, June 25, 2004:News
You Haven’t Heard: World Rejects Bush-ism; Reading Between the Lines
of the Polls on Iraq; What Are They Thinking?; Odds and Ends from
the Polls
- Nygaard Notes # 259, June 18, 2004:
The “Burst of Generosity” That “Left Observers Giddy”; “Shouldering
the Burden” for “An Admiring Wall Street;” The Problem With Philanthropy
- Nygaard Notes # 258, May 28, 2004
: Not In The News: Poor Kids; See, This Is What We’re Talking About...;
The Unintentional Story; “No New Taxes” Consequence, Example 3,284
(or so)...; “We Are Happy Campers Here”; “Website of the Week: Venezuelanalysis”
- Nygaard Notes # 257, May 21, 2004
: What We Are Talking About At Abu Ghraib; "Outraged by the Outrage”;
Who Was Dan Mitrione?; The Mind of a Torturer: “In My Profession,
I'm the Best.”
- Nygaard Notes # 256, May 14, 2004
: Big Cars Safer? For Whom?; Chemicals, Power, and the Media
- Nygaard Notes # 255, May 7, 2004
: War Lost, Funds Cut, Cops Complain; Disappearing Corporate Taxes
A Scandal? If Not, Why Not?; How Hypocrisy Works: The First Lady’s
Photo Op; The Difference Between “Thousands” and A Million: Women
March on Washington
- Nygaard Notes # 254, April 30,
2004: Commercializing Democracy, Part 2: “Responding to the Authenticity”;
“Helping America Vote” – NOT!
- Nygaard Notes # 253, April 23,
2004: Readers Speak Out About Nygaard Notes; Commercializing Democracy,
Part 1: “Potential Voters Are Also Potential Customers”
- Nygaard Notes # 252, April 16,
2004: Why Is Nygaard Notes Unique? Part 2; Echoing A Different Set
of Values
- Nygaard Notes # 251, April 9, 2004:
The Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive: How It Works; Why Is Nygaard Notes
Unique? (or, Why Donate to This Rag?)
- Nygaard Notes # 250, April 2, 2004:
Changing the Budget Rules I: “Robin Hood in Reverse”; Changing the
Budget Rules II: Power to the President!; The Cause of Deficits: Too
Much Spending?; Supply-Side Economics in the News
- Nygaard Notes # 249, March 26,
2004: Impressions of the 2005 Federal Budget; The Bush Budget Cuts,
What Got Hit, Part II; Supply-Side Economics For Beginners
- Nygaard Notes # 248, March 19,
2004: The Bush Budget Cuts, What Got Hit, Part I; “The Economy” Doesn’t
Vote; The People In It Do
- Nygaard Notes # 247, March 12,
2004: The World STILL Says NO to War on March 20; Minnesota Health
Care Organizing; The Bush Budget: Where It Comes From, What It Means;
Poem: The Boy and The Man
- Nygaard Notes # 246, March 5, 2004:
Sources for Following the Unavoidable Spectacle: Election 2004; U.S.
Extorts World, Burger Sales Dip, Ad Tactics Re-Evaluated
- Nygaard Notes # 245, February 27,
2004: “Quote”-O-Rama; “Wage Gap Still Rankles;” Solution Out of Bounds;
Due to “Silly” Salesman, Views of U.S. “Darken”
- Nygaard Notes # 244, February 20,
2004: Tobacco: The World Giveth (Or, At Least, Attempteth To); Tobacco:
The State Taketh Away; Hunger “On Its Knees;” Wrestling With the Scarcity
Myth; Haiti: Don’t Believe Your TV
- Nygaard Notes # 243, February 13,
2004: Important Workshop Against the War; “Nursing Homes Already Receive
Plenty of Money”; One Misleading Word on Health Care; The “Reversing
the Headline Trick” Explained; He Said, She Said
- Nygaard Notes # 242, February 6,
2004: Suicide Terror: History and Common Beliefs
- Nygaard Notes # 241, January 30,
2004: National Health Insurance: The Nuts and Bolts; Reporting on
Health Care Costs, How Not To; Who Pays for Health Care Now?; Who
Would Pay for Universal Health Care, Option 1; Who Would Pay for Universal
Health Care, Option 2
- Nygaard Notes # 240, January 24,
2004: Transforming Health Care: The Good News; Health Care: A Right?
Or a Privilege?
- Nygaard Notes # 239, January 16,
2004: Health Care Outrage of the Week: “I Think We Missed This One”;
A Pastoral Letter on Racism
- Nygaard Notes # 238, January 9,
2004: Health Care 2004: Needs Great, Failure Obvious, Solution Clear;
Health Care Outrage of the Week: “Some Silly Things”
- Nygaard Notes # 237, January 2,
2004: The Best of Nygaard Notes "Quotes" of the Week 2003
- Nygaard Notes # 236, December 26,
2003: 2003 Nygaard Notes Year in Review
- Nygaard Notes # 235, December 19,
2003: One Paragraph from George Bush: Rhetoric and Reality; The Bush
Paragraph Explained: From Lies to Sophistry
- Nygaard Notes # 234, December 12,
2003: From One Big Lie to Many Little Lies; “Unwilling to Provide
the Funds Necessary”; A Little Economic Reality
- Nygaard Notes # 233, December 5,
2003: “A Small Cost-Saving Concession”; “A Better Experience for the
Consumer and the Advertiser"; Killing Animals to Save Them
- Nygaard Notes # 232, November 28,
2003: I Understand, I Understand!; Food Shelves “Maxed Out”; "A
Little-Noticed Proposal”; More “Whites” Guilty, More People of Color
Presumed Guilty; Leaders Field the Tough Questions...Sort Of
- Nygaard Notes # 231, November 21,
2003: The U.S. in the World: Comparing Social Health; How Minimizing
Race Distorts Reality; Race and Social Health: The Case of Minnesota
- Nygaard Notes # 230, November 14,
2003: A Nickel’s Worth of History; The “Old Europe,” Part I: “Lingering
Complexes”; The “Old Europe,” Part II: “Drifting from Christian Institutions”;
“Even a Few Hundred Dollars a Month”
- Nygaard Notes # 229, November 7,
2003: The Social Health of the United States 2003, Part II; Social
Health in Black and White
- Nygaard Notes # 228, October 31,
2003: Pledge Drive: Final Plea for Support; Understanding Income and
Wealth; Sources for More Info On Income and Wealth; The Social Health
of the United States 2003: Not Good; The Social Report 2003: The Details
- Nygaard Notes # 227, October 24,
2003: Why Support Independent Media? And Why Nygaard Notes?; The Meaning
of Target Schools (The Rich Get Richer, And...); Income and Wealth
in the U.S. 2003
- Nygaard Notes # 226, October 17,
2003: How a Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive Works; Basics About the Notes;
How To Pledge, Etc.; Deciding How Much To Donate; “Schools That Have
Benefitted the Most”; A Fantasy About a Change in Values
- Nygaard Notes # 225, October 10,
2003: Teeny-Tiny Nuggets of News and Stuff (One Headline; Eight Separate
- Nygaard Notes # 224, October 3,
2003: Website of the Week: Project Censored; Mr. Rice the Winner,
Iraqis the Losers; National Security Says: Now You Don’t See It, Now
You Do; “A Big Difference”
- Nygaard Notes # 223, September
26, 2003: Generic Capitalism, or High Drug Prices Explained (Again);
Adjectives U Can Use
- Nygaard Notes # 222, September
12, 2003: Reporting on the “Vast Chasm:” A Tale of Three Papers; What’s
In A Name? Labeling the Media
- Nygaard Notes # 221, September
5, 2003: U.S. Extortion, Inc.; The Pharmaceutical “Marketing Machine”;
High Drug Prices Explained
- Nygaard Notes # 220, August 29,
2003: Orphaned by Industry; “What Makes Monks Work for Advertisers"
- Nygaard Notes # 219, August 22,
2003: Bush Attacks Medicaid; More Medicaid Information and Organizing
- Nygaard Notes # 218, August 15,
2003: Economic Good News, Sort Of; The “Quiet” Use of Power
- Nygaard Notes # 217, August 8,
2003: The Happy World, The Sad World; Why I Love the Business Pages;
A Business Page Case Study
- Nygaard Notes # 216, August 1,
2003: Websites and Books of the Week: Foreign Aid; A Mini-Lesson In
Information Gathering in 2003; Foreign Aid Series, Final Part: Aid
As Obstacle
- Nygaard Notes # 215, July 25, 2003:
“Promoting Economic Freedom”; The Specifics of “Economic Freedom”
- Nygaard Notes # 214, July 18, 2003:
Foreign Aid from Marshall to Powell ; U.S. Foreign Aid: An “Entirely
New Approach”?
- Nygaard Notes # 213, July 11, 2003:
Colin Steals My Thunder; Foreign Aid: How Generous Are We?
- Nygaard Notes # 212, July 4, 2003:
“Edgy” Racism; On A Billboard Near You; Purchasing “A Law-abiding
Society”; “It Wasn’t Us!” Memory, Journalism, and Propaganda
- Nygaard Notes # 211, June 27, 2003:
Drug-Induced Delusions, Local Cops Version; Drug-Induced Delusions,
Supreme Court Version; “Strange, Almost Paranoid” Thinking from Europe
- Nygaard Notes # 210, June 13, 2003:
Decoding the News by Finding The “Key Fact”; Hunger, Power, and Politics:
Looking for the Key Fact; Website(s) of the Week; Interesting Notes
‘n “Quotes”
- Nygaard Notes # 209, June 6, 2003:
Racism in the News I: Uranium Poisoning of Navajo People; Racism in
the News II: Prisons, Poverty, Taxes; The Invisible Candidates
- Nygaard Notes # 208, June 6, 2003:
Paired Set of “Quotes” of the Week; A Rare Nygaard Notes Correction;
Pollution Cocktails in the SUV CAFÉ
- Nygaard Notes # 207, May 30, 2003:
A Note on Holidays in the U.S.; Morals, Ethics, Values, and Thinking
- Nygaard Notes # 206, May 20, 2003:
Lindner Watch, The Final Installment: Racism and The Great White Silence;
The U.S. and Democracy in Iraq: “You Can’t Stand Back Completely”;
“American-Style Democracy”; Website of the Week: The History of U.S.
- Nygaard Notes # 205, May 16, 2003:
Website of the Week: Iraq Relief Efforts; The U.S. and The Undermining
of Democracy
- Nygaard Notes # 204, May 10, 2003:
The Complex History of Mother’s Day; Mother’s Day Rally For Peace;
Nygaard-Recommended Book Wins Prize
- Nygaard Notes # 203, May 3, 2003:
One Last Plea for Financial Support; 2003 Praise for Nygaard Notes;
Charts and Graphs and Class Warfare
- Nygaard Notes # 202, April 25,
2003: Supporting Public Intellectuals; Spotting Ideology in the Smallest
News Articles
- Nygaard Notes # 201, April 18,
2003: How a Nygaard Notes Pledge Drive Works; Basics About the Notes;
Basics About Making a Pledge; Deciding How Much To Donate; Catch-Up,
Odds ‘n Ends, Important Details
- Nygaard Notes # 200, April 11,
2003: The Case Against War, In Retrospect; Embedding, Plus!; Responding
to the “Blaming America First” Charge; The “Liberation” of Iraq: “A
Perfectly Choreographed Event”
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