Number 294 April 28, 2005

This Week:

Quote of the Week
Social Security “Quote” of the Week
What IS Social Security?
The Nine Guiding Principles of Social Security


Nygaard Notes #294 kicks off a series of articles about Social Security.  It has been my observation that most people have gotten most of their understanding of the program from the mass media.  That's understandable, but unfortunate, since the media has routinely misrepresented not only the health of the program and the nature of the various proposals for “fixing” the program, but also the nature of the program itself.

So, since the President just started talking about his “plan,” and the Senate has just started discussing privatization proposals, it seems like a good time to get some basic information to my faithful readers about Social Security.  I don't know how long this series will go on.  As long as it takes to address the most misunderstood aspects of the public discussion, I guess.  So, you may expect a flurry of Nygaard Notes issues in the next couple of weeks.  If it becomes overwhelming, I apologize.  Maybe you can just file them away for when you need them.  I'll try to label each issue quite clearly as to what aspect is discussed.

Also, if you would like me to come and talk to your group about Social Security “reform,” get in touch with me.  I have a lot of experience in leading discussions, giving lectures, facilitating workshops, etc.  So contact me to come and talk to your class, your union, your political action group, your church group, or whatever group you may have.  I like doing it, and it's interesting to me.

Securely yours,


"Quote" of the Week:

On April 26th there was a press briefing held, supposedly at the Pentagon.  But I suspect it was actually held in Wonderland, with a couple of Mad Hatters answering the questions.  Judge for yourself, based on the following two excerpts.

Question: “Are we winning in Iraq?”  (Yes, the “independent” press typically refers to U.S. military forces as “we.”)

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld: “Winning or losing is not the issue for ‘we,' in my view, in the traditional conventional context of using the word winning and losing and of war.”

The next person to speak was Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said, “I think we are winning.  Okay?  I think we're definitely winning.  I think we've been winning for some time.”

National Public Radio ran a report on this press conference, focusing on the Pentagon claim that the U.S. “had come close to capturing Abu Musaab Zarqawi” recently.  The story was by Vicky O'Hara, who reported that “Myers says that this has been a deadly month for attacks by insurgents.  He says that attacks in April increased from a level of about 40 a day to about 50 or sixty a day.”  Myers was then heard to say, “In terms of number of incidents, it's right about where it was a year ago...  If you look at the scope of this over time, since May of 2003, that's the conclusion.”

The next voice listeners heard was Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, uttering the Nygaard Notes “Quote” of the Week:

“So you could make a case that, Gee, if the levels [of attacks] are about the same, then the insurgency must be down, uh, because, uh, we're paying less attention to it, and encouraging Iraqi security forces to pay greater attention, and we're paying greater attention to developing them.  There are a lot of moving parts.”

If a tree falls in the forest, and “we're paying less attention to it,” did it actually fall?  Ask Mr. Rumsfeld.

Social Security “Quotes” of the Week  (Paired Set)

On April 5th, as part of his “Social Security Tour,” President Bush paid a visit to the Bureau of the Public Debt, where a four-drawer filing cabinet contains $1.7 trillion in government bonds.  The bonds represent surplus payroll tax collections that are being held on behalf of future Social Security beneficiaries.  Here's what Mr. Bush told reporters afterwards: 

“There is no trust fund.  Just IOUs that I saw first-hand.”

Now, here is George Bush in his April 28th press conference: 

“I know some Americans have reservations about investing in the stock market, so I propose that one investment option consist entirely of treasury bonds, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.”

So, are Treasury Bonds “Just IOUs?”  Or are they the most secure investment option available?  The President seems to want it both ways.


What IS Social Security?

One of the most striking things I have noticed in my speaking and writing about Social Security over the years is that many people do not really understand what the program actually is.  If you just get your information from the media, you could be forgiven for thinking that Social Security is nothing more than a public retirement program.  It is that.  But it is much more.  Here are a few basic points to help you understand the nature of the program that we call “Social Security.”

Social Security pays monthly benefits that replace, in part, income from wages lost when a worker retires, becomes disabled, or dies.  Benefits are paid to the worker and to family members who depended on the lost earnings.

More than 47 million U.S.ers receive benefits under the Social Security program, which is sometimes referred to as “OASDI,” for “Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.”  33 million beneficiaries are retired workers and their family members; 6.7 million are survivors of workers who have died; and almost 8 million are disabled workers and their family members.  Almost 4 million of those receiving OASDI benefits are children.  For two-thirds of people over age 85, Social Security is at least half their total income.

Our SS payroll taxes this year go to pay for benefits to people this year.  The benefits we receive later will be paid by workers who will be working at that time.  This is called a “pay-as-you-go” system, and it is pretty standard for an insurance program, which is what the Social Security program was intended to be, and more or less is.  Insurance companies do not hold on to your premiums and then give them back to you when you need them; they invest your, and everyone's, premiums and only pay out claims when someone needs it.  Just like Social Security.

An insurance program is fundamentally different from a pension program, where everyone who pays in gets something back.  Pension programs are much more similar to bank accounts than to a  pay-as-you-go insurance system.  In the typical pension system, money is set aside for an individual until that individual draws out that money (plus interest or other accumulations) upon retirement.

Understanding the distinction between insurance systems and pension systems is crucial to understanding the current debate about Social Security.  (For more on this crucial point, see Nygaard Notes #289, “Social Security: The Fundamental Issue.”)

The basic Social Security program was created by legislation passed in 1935 and 1939.  Many changes have been made since then, with legislators deciding to extend coverage to more and more workers (especially in 1950), improving the level of protection, adding protection against loss of income from long-term and total disability (1956 and ‘58), providing protection for old people and people with disabilities against the increasingly unmanageable cost of medical care (1965), protecting against the erosion of income by inflation (1972), and making changes aimed at abolishing all statutory differences in the treatment of men and women.

Want more details?  The best summary of the Social Security system is found on the website of The Century Foundation, at    Toward the bottom of the page you'll see a link called “The Basics: Social Security Reform (Revised for 2005)”


The Nine Guiding Principles of Social Security

The Social Security program was founded in the 1930s based on a set of principles.  Since these principles are rarely talked about, I thought it would be good to summarize them here.  Unusually for Nygaard Notes, I didn't write this piece.  I didn't think I could do a better job than these excerpts from a 1998 booklet, “Straight Talk about Social Security,” by Robert Ball, perhaps the most knowledgeable and experienced Social Security expert in the country.

I don't necessarily agree with all nine of the principles as laid out by Ball, and I will discuss why in the course of this series on Social Security.  But, like them or not, up to this point they have made up the framework for the entire structure of Social Security.  So here they are, each one briefly explained by Ball.

1. Universal: 96 out of 100 jobs in paid employment are now covered, with more than 154 million working Americans make contributions to Social Security.

2. Earned right: Social Security is more than a statutory right; it is an earned right, with eligibility for benefits and the benefit rate based on an individual's past earnings.  This principle sharply distinguishes Social Security from welfare and links the program to other earned rights such as wages, fringe benefits, and private pensions.

3. Wage related : Social Security benefits are related to earnings, reinforcing the concept of benefits as an earned rights and recognizing that there is a relationship between one's standard of living while working and the benefits level needed to achieve income security in retirement.  Under Social Security, higher-paid earners get higher benefits, but the lower-paid get more for what they pay in.

4. Contributory and self-financed : The fact that workers pay earmarked contributions from their wages into the system also reinforces the concept of an earned right and gives contributors a moral claim on future benefits above and beyond statutory obligations.  Social Security is entirely financed by dedicated taxes, principally those deducted from workers' earnings matched by employers.  The self-financing approach helps protect the program against having to compete against other programs in the annual general federal budget; it imposes fiscal discipline, because the total earmarked income for Social Security must be sufficient to cover the entire cost of the program; and it guards against excessive liberalization: contributors oppose major benefit cuts because the have a right to benefits and are paying for them, but they also oppose excessive increases in benefits because they understand that every increase must be paid for by increased contributions.

5. Redistributive : One of Social Security's most important goals is to pay at least a minimally adequate benefit to workers who are regularly covered and contributing, regardless of how low-paid they may be.  This is accomplished through a redistributional formula that pays comparatively higher benefits to lower-paid earners.  If the system paid back to low-wage workers only the benefit that they could be expected to pay for from their own wages, millions of retirees would end up impoverished and on welfare even though they had been paying into Social Security throughout their working lives.  This would make the years of contributing to Social Security worse than pointless, since the earnings paid into Social Security would have reduced the income available for other needs throughout their working years without providing in retirement any income greater than what would be available from welfare.  The redistributional formula solves this dilemma.

6. Not means tested : This key principle means that, in contrast to welfare, eligibility for Social Security is not determined by the beneficiary's current income and assets, nor is the amount of the benefit.  It is the absence of a means test that makes it possible for people to add to their savings and to establish private pension plans, secure in the knowledge that they will not then be penalized by having their Social Security benefits cut back as a result of having arranged for additional retirement income.

7. Wage indexed : Social Security is portable, following the worker from job to job, and the protection provided before retirement increases as wages rise in general.  Benefits at the time of initial receipt are brought up to date with current wage levels, reflecting improvements in productivity and thus in the general standard of living.  Without this principle, Social Security would soon provide benefits that did not reflect previously attained living standards.

8. Inflation protected : Once they begin, Social Security benefits are protected against inflation by periodic cost-of living adjustments (COLAs) linked to the Consumer Price Index.  No private pension plan provides guaranteed protection against inflation.  Without COLAs, the real value of Social Security benefits would steadily erode over time, as is the case with unadjusted private pension benefits.

9. Compulsory : Social Security compels all of us to contribute to our own future security.  A voluntary system simply wouldn't work.  Some of us would save scrupulously, some would save sporadically, and some would postpone the day of reckoning forever, leaving the community as a whole to pay through a much less desirable safety-net system.  With a compulsory program, the problem of adverse selection—individuals deciding when and to what extent they want to participate, depending on whether their individual circumstances seem favorable—is avoided (as is the problem of obtaining adequate funding for a large safety-net program serving a constituency with limited political influence).

The preceding was condensed considerably by me.  To read the full text, go on the web to
